Tanzania so lightweight clothing is
the norm. On safari avoid brightly
coloured clothes, they may alarm
the animals. Browns, beiges and
khaki are preferred. Short-sleeve
shirts/ blouses and shorts are
ideal, but pack a sweater, it can be
chilly in the early morning and in
the evening. Wear a hat to avoid
sun-stroke and don’t forget a
Shoes should be sensible
- walking through the bush is not
like strolling through Hyde Park -
and for climbing Kilimanjaro or
Mount Meru take thermal
underwear, a rain jacket, good
socks and sturdy boots. Shorts for
women are acceptable - but not
too short. Women should carry a
wrap to cover their legs in towns or
villages as revealing clothes can
cause offence, especially in
Zanzibar and other Muslim areas.
On the beach, and within the
confines of beach hotels, normal
swimwear is acceptable but nudity
certainly is not.